Happy Half Term and Eid Mubarak

Morning, Year 5!

Just a quick message wishing you all a good half term next week! There won’t be any learning going up on the blog next week, but we will be posting activities again from the 1st of June.

If you have any worries about anything, send us an email to the year 5 email address: year5@selsdonprimary.org.uk

Alongside this, Eid Mubarak to anyone celebrating this weekend!

Many thanks,

The Year 5 Team

22 thoughts on “Happy Half Term and Eid Mubarak

    1. “Eid Mubarak” is the greeting people give each other when they are celebrating the end of Ramadan, A.

      Eid-Ul-Fitr is the festival of Eid, when the first sighting of the crescent moon happens at the end of the month of Ramadan. This is when the Muslim community come together for dining, charity and families and friends spending time together.

      Try this weblink for more details… https://indianexpress.com/article/parenting/family/happy-eid-ul-fitr-2019-fun-facts-for-kids-5765269/


  1. And just something I want to say … itā€™s that we donā€™t know which day eid is until looking at the moon . If the moon is small šŸŒ’ like this you know itā€™s The end of the month of Ramadan ! So we celebrate Eid . We still have another eid later in the year but you donā€™t fast before that other eid itā€™s called eid al kurban right now itā€™s eid al fitr

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi people of my schoolšŸ‘‹.
      Just saying some more facts after hibah.
      At Eid Ul Kurban, we sacrifice animal like camels, cows, sheep and goats to celebrate when Prophet Ibrahim followed Allah’s command and nearly sacrificed his own son, Ismail! But at the last second, Allah replaced Ismail with a sheep and he didn’t have to sacrifice Ismail. It was all just a test by Allah to see if he would follow Allah’s every command. That’s why we celebrate Eid Ul Kurban. But right now we’ll celebrate Eid Ul Fitr.


    1. Hi there. Just edited the email as the blog is public so anyone can see it. Obviously you can share your email with your friends through more private means! Then they can contact you and stay in touch


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