MUSIC – Learning the ‘Blues’ and Piano!

In Year 5, we are spending our first half-term, learning about the BLUES genre of music – how it evolved from songs used by slaves working in plantations… and how it came to influence and create nearly ALL other genres of music we enjoy today.

Here is the ‘master bluesman’, B.B. King, performing ‘One Shoe Blues‘; a brilliant example of Chicago Blues, to show us how using just a simple structure can form a POWERFUL song!

We are also gradually learning HOW TO PLAY THE PIANO! We only have a few keyboards available, so we have been using iPad apps and online websites to learn. Many children showed keen interest and some good skills so far, so below are some online websites we can LEARN TO PLAY PIANO on.

Go on, Year 5… have a try! Remember, we are practicing the C, F & G CHORDS. Do try those for yourselves!!

Looping Rhythms

Today in music, the children learned to create their own rhythms and looped them to repeat.

The children really enjoyed this experience and were able to use mixture of technology and musical knowledge to create some catchy rhythms.

Below are a few links to some of the children rhythms that they created (copy, and paste into the URL):

If anyone would like to have a go at creating rhythms at home, follow the link below to the chrome lab website, which we used today to create our loops!

I guess that’s why they call it the blues!

Cormorant class had a lovely afternoon learning the 12-bar blues!

Firstly, we had a look at singular notes and learnt the first line of the blues, which is a C in the time signature of 4/4.

Then, we all practised making both 2-note and triad chords like the ones shown below!

Lastly, we began to combine the chords to create a final 12-bar piece!

Below are a few photographs of the children enjoying their time with the keyboards/IPads!

Feel free to practise these if you have a keyboard or iPad at home! `

“Get Up, Stand Up” – The Bob Marley Musical… just opening in London!

Exciting news, Year 5! We’ve spent all this half-term absorbing the brilliant Reggae music of Bob Marley, and now a NEW musical has just opened this week, at the Lyric Theatre in London’s West End.

As half-term is coming up, Covid-safe seating is being used and tickets are often cheaper in the early weeks, I think I will try to check this one out… and learn even more about his amazing life!

Here’s some videos, we’ve been enjoying of late, for the songs and lyrics we know so well by now!

Bob Marley had quite a few excellent ideas and quotes, in his lyrics!

Here’s one of my favourites


Enjoy the music, Year 5!!

Foundation – 9th June – Music

Children's Concerts — Living Room Live

Good morning, Year 5!

Today, we have a virtual visit from some of our old friends from the quartet (quad = 4; quartet = group of 4 musicians).

Your activity is to explore, listen and reflect on videos of concerts the musicians played over the past few weeks, specifically with children in mind.

If you visit, you will find 3 videos of performances by the musicians (Do you recognise the violist Annie or the violinist Tamsin?). Each video explores ideas and lessons, so it is best to watch them in order. But it is up to you how you explore them.

As you listen and explore, we want you to have a think about some of these questions/ideas:

  • Which instrument do you like? Why do you like it?
  • Did you not like an instrument? Why didn’t you like it?
  • What interesting facts did you learn about the instruments?
  • Video 2 talks about ‘storytelling’ in music. Which piece of music did you like and what did it make you imagine or picture?
  • Dance! Classical music might seem ‘posh’ sometimes but music is all about expressing ourselves. Video 3 is about dance and the first piece is played in 3/4 time. Can you dance along to Mozart’s minuet?!

Let us know your thoughts to these questions (or share a dance!) in the comments below!

“Let’s Sing” – 22nd April – Suffragette Songs Part 2

We were learning a range of songs, in Singing Assemblies, that were actual examples of many sung by the Suffragettes as they were marching to protest. Here are the last two songs in that selection: we never had a chance to try the Mary Poppins song together, but I’m sure the video will help!

We can share them here for you to practice and enjoy! Follow the Lyric Sheet provided and click on the YouTube links below: remember, the Suffragettes chose to create their own lyrics, so those won’t be on the videos… you can follow the sheet though!

Enjoy a good sing-song… ‘Two Pounds’ is currently performing to an empty classroom, live and direct from SPS, and apologises again for not being there to help! 😉


MUSIC Suffragette Song Lyrics Pt.2


“Let’s Sing” – 2nd April – Suffragette Songs

We were learning a range of songs, in Singing Assemblies, that were actual examples of many sung by the Suffragettes as they were marching to protest. If you’re in the mood, have a try of these for this week, and we will post the rest in the following weeks!

We can share them here for you to practice and enjoy! Follow the Lyric Sheet provided and click on the YouTube links below: remember, the Suffragettes chose to create their own lyrics, so those won’t be on the videos… you can follow the sheet though!

Enjoy a good sing-song… ‘Two Pounds’ apologises for his absence, but he’s in self-isolation at school and is unable to come visit and perform! 😉



Rise up, Women
The Women’s Battle Song