Feelings & Emotions Pt.2 – 2nd June

10 of the Most Memorable Performances at the One World: Together ...


“Which World Events (during Lockdown) do you think have had the most impact on your life?”

Today, we would like you to split a page into 2 AREAS (for headings of POSITIVE and NEGATIVE) and make a list of 5 or more world or countrywide events in each. It could just like the 2-column table yesterday, or like this:

We’re hoping you’ll recall events like: Major Tom Moore / The One World: Together at Home concert / The Thursday Clap / Rainbow in Window/ VE Day VS. The Spread of COVID / Care Homes / Impact on Health Workers / Lockdown / Hospital Worries.

But which are positive or negative in your view?

EXTRA CHALLENGE – When you organise your list of World Events, try to RANK them for how much IMPACT they have had on all our lives… so TOP of the list had a huge impact on all of us… and at the BOTTOM, only a minor impact.



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