TTRS: ‘Invasion of The Tournament’ Aut 1 Wk 4

It has to be said, Year 5… it’s a bit of a ‘whitewash’ this week – one class has around 9 TIMES more points than the other. Both teachers have stressed the absolute vital NEED to keep up our TTRS practice every week:

A) Establishing an attitude and routine to learning – we are under a YEAR away from Year 6 (& SATs) and very close to leaving to join Secondary School. In both of these, ‘homework’ becomes a very important part of learning and far more complex. Completing homework nearly EVERY NIGHT, in Secondary School, is pretty routine… We are trying to encourage you all to build up discipline, in creating a routine of doing ‘homework’ regularly – in this case, weekly and ONLY 200 points, while playing fun games…

B) Tables knowledge is fundamental to nearly all other areas of Maths – we ALL worked so hard to ‘beat the MTC’ last year… by not practicing regularly, we will lose many of the sharp skills and knowledge we worked so hard to attain. Year 6 SATs requires RAPID and SECURE tables knowledge to gain answers, BEFORE we have even calculated the tricky problems in the tests. If we are still trying to think of a simple tables answer, we lose VALUABLE time needed to actually calculate and process entire sums.


Anyway, the scores for this week’s Tournament: WINNERS were PUFFINS with 45,417 over Cormorants, with 5,371…

Top Five are (and receive a merit): Sahaj, Joshua C., Nico, Luciana, & Evelynn (Yay! She’s back…) Great work from, you five!

2 thoughts on “TTRS: ‘Invasion of The Tournament’ Aut 1 Wk 4

    1. The TTRS logins would still be the same as when we were accessing the site last year, for MTC. If the login details have been lost, please ask your class teacher for the information. We can easily access and provide the current login information by the next day. Many thanks!


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