PUFFIN CLASS – D&T – Playground Structure

This term, our D&T project has been led by the work of Susanna VissaniĀ – a leading, modern architect, whose work on play structures is extremely clever and organic!

We tasked the children to design an item of playground equipment… an adventure trail, that would appeal to Key Stage 1 and have disability access – we showed them some of Suzanna’s work with the Architecture Group called CARVE:

As we work towards building some PROTOTYPES, this week, we were learning skills of paper construction – different ways to fold and utilise paper in a larger structure. Here are some photos of the children, practising as many paper-folding techniques, as they could muster!

Cormorant Greek taste testing

In this week’s Design and Technology lesson, Cormorant class were tasting a range of Greek foods such as Olives, Feta, Greek Yoghurt and Humous! The children all really enjoyed eating the food and discussing the taste, smell and texture of the foods.