Social Distancing Pt.3 – 5th June

Prompt: Invent a Sport That Can Be Played with Social Distance ...

Finally for this week, you may have realised that P.E. lessons and the playing of many sports have had to change dramatically… if we all must stay 2m apart, some games / sports will be too difficult to practice!

BUT it’s important to exercise and have FUN during these strange times!!

TODAY’S TASK – try to think of some sports and games that do NOT need any physical contact (Hmm… Chess? Rock / Paper / Scissors? Cricket with everyone wearing gloves??).

Then adapt these or invent your own new “sport” which involves no physical contact and can be played always at a safe distance of 2m apart! Tricky!!

Next, create an information PAMPHLET to explain your new ‘game’: it could include labelled diagrams or pictures… have a set of RULES to follow, describing how to play safely! Who knows… perhaps this is something we can all try, when we do return to school?? How it looks, is up to you…

EXTRA CHALLENGE: perhaps try out your game with family at home or in a designated park (whilst following ALL the social distancing advice, of course!), and video your efforts… tell us how it went in the REPLY box below! It could be the start of a NEW national past-time!!


Social Distancing Pt.2 – 3rd June

Covid-19: 2m distance is a similar size to one cow or two calves ...
“Always keep 1 cow apart!” 🙂

“How far IS two metres?”

We have all heard the basic rule of social distancing: “Always stay at least 2m apart from others, at all times”… but we’ll need to rapidly become expert in judging what a 2m distance looks like!

Remember, as viruses like Covid-19, can be spread by droplets from coughs & sneezes, as well as by contact; 2m is judged to be a safe distance to minimise this SPREAD.

TODAY’S TASK: make a list of 10 gaps between two items / places in your home, that you ESTIMATE are over 2m apart! (E.g. “From the Kitchen Sink to the Front Room Door”). Then try a list of those that are only 1m apart (to get an idea of distances that would be unsafe).

A good way to roughly judge it (don’t use COWS like the picture above!), is 2m should be roughly the same as two of your ARM-SPANS (hands outstretched)…

Exploring Scatterplots • Teacher Guide

EXTRA CHALLENGE: IF you have a measuring-tape or long ruler around at home, you COULD measure the actual gap! How close to 2m were you? Hopefully, as you check, your estimates should get better and closer!!


Social Distancing Pt.1 – 1st June

Use this heartwarming story to make your kid understand social ...

We’ve all heard the term “SOCIAL DISTANCING” over the past few months: it will be a vital part of gathering to learn, when we do return to school.

So, some activities this week, will centre around this new term and what it means we have to do to achieve it.


  • What is social distancing?
  • Why is it important?
  • What does social distancing do or prevent?
  • What distance do we need to try and keep from each other?
  • How can we spend good time with our friends whilst still distancing?
  • Do any of our school rules link to social distancing?

TODAY: Write a description (perhaps 6+ bullet points) of WHAT social distancing IS / WHY we need to distance / HOW FAR it should be / some of the RULES we can follow IN and OUT of school to achieve this.

Perhaps something like this…

WHAT? _______________________________________________________________________

WHY? ________________________________________________________________________

HOW FAR? ___________________________________________________________________

RULES: 1) ____________________________________________________________________

2) ____________________________________________________________________________

3) ____________________________________________________________________________